What is One Second Everyday?
It's pretty simple, I take short videos every single day and then choose my favorite second. Then I compile all of these snippets and post a video each year.
Why do you do it?
I started doing this when I was 15 after watching this Ted Talk by Cesar Kuriyama, the creator of the One Second App.
He talks about how nowadays everyone goes to a concert and films the entire thing on their phone. As an alternative, we can record one second of said concert and enjoy the rest of it
there, while it's happening. It's crazy how watching back a one second video can bring back so many memories. This theory can be applied to pretty much anything, and for most people
it can be easy to forget all of the different things we do in our lives. Recording one short video a day not brings back memories from that event and others from that same day, but
also encourages me to go out and do something new so that I have something interesting to record. Watching back the videos from throughout the year is very rewarding not only for me,
but also for all of my friends and family that I share these memories with.
Why aren't you in any of the videos?
Again, this idea came from Cesar. I've stuck by this rule from the beginning where I film everything in first person. This way, I can remember every event in the way that I actually
saw it happen. It's important to note that while some videos may be completely meaningless to others, the point is for me to remember that day.